First off, the type of light. Since we are high school students we don't have the luxury of dropping 3 racks on a beautiful LED studio kit. Instead we will go with some low end clamp lights, ones that we can mount onto walls or posts, or set up on a camera stick. We next want to place them properly. A 3 point lighting scheme is perfect. That means, we need a key, fill and backlight. The key, being the main light source at the right side, fill being on the left, that eliminates the shadow from the key, and the back light that differs you from the background. Ik Im not the tannest but I can't be blending in with a total white background. Overall this lightning technique will cost us around 30$ total, 18 for the lights and about 10 for the stand. We plan to build the stand out of PBC Pipe. We can go to our local home depot and scoop it up real quick before filming.

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